Priced at $3,997
(Package Valued at $7,997)
A Full Breakthrough Experience is for those ready to receive a COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION via an accelerated process! Imagine being reprogrammed from the inside out, completely removing all the pain and inner conflicts that are preventing you from getting 100% results! I Guarantee My Results!
(Includes Package 1 + 2)
Package #1
Heal Generational Trauma & Release Your Emotional Triggers
Release Past Feelings of:
- Anger
- Fear
- Sadness
- Hurt
- Guilt
+ Package #2
Be Free of Rejection & Reconnect to Your Intuition
- Be Free of Anxiety
- Release Thoughts of Rejection
- Be Free of a Major Limiting Belief
- Create Internal Wholeness, Integration & Reconnect Back to Your True Self
+ Package #3
Create New Possibilities & Step Into Future Goals
Choose ONE specific area of focus in your life: Self, Career, Relationship with a Specific Person, Faith, Health, etc.
- Remove Every Belief, Value & Programming That's Holding You Back From Your Goal
- Reprogram Your Subconscious for Productivity & Positivity
- Move On From Grief
* This process typically takes ~5-6 weeks, with 1 half day for intake processing + 2 full-breakthrough days.
- 2 - 45-minute Pre-Breakthrough Coaching Calls
- ~3 hours for Intake Processing
- Up to 10 hours of Subconscious Breakthrough Work
- 3 - 25-minute Post-Breakthrough Follow-Up Calls
- 60-minute Intrinsic Values Assessment & Coaching Session ($500 value)
- Personal Affirmations Hypnotherapy Recording ($100 value)
- Additional Breakthrough Hours will be charged at the discounted rate of $50 per hour, if needed.
- Additional Pre-Breakthrough Coaching may be added on a monthly basis at the rate of $300 for (3) 45-min sessions, if deemed necessary.
Upon checkout, follow the instructions on the attached digital file. Further instructions will be provided via the call.
- If for any reason a different plan is recommended for the client, all funds will be credited appropriately toward the new agreed upon plan.
- If Nancy deems the client is not a good fit for her services, all funds will be refunded in full before the start of breakthrough sessions.